Bozeman makers unite
I saw this link posted to Twitter today, and it intrigued me. Bozeman now has its own makerspace, the aptly named Bozeman Makerspace. What’s a makerspace, you ask?
I saw this link posted to Twitter today, and it intrigued me. Bozeman now has its own makerspace, the aptly named Bozeman Makerspace. What’s a makerspace, you ask?
A Great Falls family returned from vacation to find their house burglarized, likely the result of posting their travel plans to Facebook.
This story fits in wit the technological focus of this blog, I think. Montana State University students road away with several awards at last weekend’s… Read More »MSU engineering students win awards at human-powered vehicle races
Here’s an interesting story from the tornado-ravaged southern U.S. Stop the Cap!, a consumer-run website that tracks broadband and cable issues, reports that Charter Cable… Read More »Southern cable company tells tornado victims to ‘look around the neighborhood’ for cable boxes
Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock announced today that a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit against bankrupt movie rental chains Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video.
Some news outlets have reported this week that Montana’s Internet access speeds are the worst in the country and that this could leave our rural areas “economically crippled.†While I do not dispute the fact that we have some slow Internet access statewide, I would like to remind everyone to take such pronouncements with all due consideration.
The speed news comes from November 2010 data published by Speed Matters where Speed Matters says, in bold red type, that Montana ranks last in the country in Internet speeds. Its data shows that Montana’s median download speed is 0.4 mbps and that our average is 1.2 mbps — they also note that the FCC defines “broadband†as at least 4 mbps down and 1 mbps up.
Let’s be clear about one thing. If you go to the Speed Matters website and visit the interactive map of Montana’s speed test results, you’ll see that the website lists how many tests were conducted in each county.
The majority of Montana’s speed data comes from counties where fewer than two dozen people have taken the Speed Matters test.Read More »Take reports of Montana’s terrible broadband speeds with a grain of salt
The website WP Candy is reporting that Montana State University is offering an extension course on advanced techniques with WordPress. Check the link above for… Read More »MSU offering class on advanced WordPress blogging
The good people of Ravalli County don’t much like “Big Brother,” which could be a problem should a widespread emergency strike the area. The county’s… Read More »Government mistrust hampering reverse 911 efforts in Ravalli County
The Bozeman Daily Chronicle is giving away an iPad 2 to one of our Facebook fans, and we’re working on some other Facebook goodness too.
Montana Sen. Jon Tester has sent a letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, asking that plans for encouraging broadband growth in America do not harm… Read More »Tester appeals to FCC chairman on behalf of rural broadband