Well, since everybody at the Montana Legislature discovered Twitter a couple weeks ago (even Republicans), the #mtleg hashtag has become rife with partisan tweets. So, reporter Emilie Ritter started a new press core-focused hashtag: #mtlegnews.
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/EmilieRitter/statuses/45516834056830976″]
That tweet came through on Wednesday. Since then, the hashtag has seen slow adoption while its parent, #mtleg, chugs on as normal. Today, some of the #mtleg posters have begun to notice the press corps’ departure — and mock them for it.
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/BobBrigham/statuses/46330201860354048″]
And then this:
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/MTPundit/statuses/46331125735505920″]
It tickles me that the last time the legislature met, Twitter really had no impact on it at all. How much things can change in just a couple years!
Related articles
- Twitter hitting it big at the 2011 Montana Legislature (news.hypercrit.net)
- Montana Republicans discover Twitter (news.hypercrit.net)
- A journalist’s guide to the Twitter #hashtag (savethemedia.com)